21-Day Challenges

21-Day Challenges

Personal Challenges each year


Below I’ve listed some proposed challenges I’d like to run for 21 days straight each year.  Why 21? Twenty-one days make up the duration of what is widely considered the minimum to begin a habit.  Further studies suggest that 66 days are needed to form a habit, but I’ll be doing 21 in order to see how I feel and gauge any potential positive/negative effects on my life.

Obviously this isn’t a controlled experiment, as I’m doing 2 things at once (and compounding 21 days of one thing into another 21 days of something different will affect things.)  But, this is an easy intro to see some changes and do what’s right.


I’ve broken them into 2 categories:


  • No booze - Cutting out midnight snacking too.
  • No sugar - Nothing processed.  Some fruit is ok.
  • No caffeine - Might add in green tea if headaches occur.
  • No social media - I'll do my best to schedule/delegate work.
  • Heartburn/GERD - Focus on gut repair.
  • EMP Prep - Learn, Prep, Gather for potential EMP attack.
  • No clutter - Each day I'll spend 2 hours culling the cluter, be it on the computer, in closets, the garage, etc...
  • No meat - I might make an exception for fish & eggs...
  • No screentime - TV/movies, phone, social, work?
  • No Dairy - Cut out everything.
  • No Gluten - 100% gluten-free and mostly carb free.
  • Organic - Eat only organic.
  • No Dark Colors - wear only light clothing.
  • Toxic People - Actively delete contacts and remove crap humans.


  • Workout - Daily circuit, swim, surf, or hike.
  • Sleep - Daily bedtime of 9 am with at least 8 hours of sleep.
  • Breath Hold/Work - Daily practice to increase time.
  • Meditate - Daily 20+ minutes of meditation or breath work.
  • Reading - 40+ books read in a year.
  • Videos - Daily editing and publishing.
  • Build - Daily build of a catio.
  • Gratitude Journal - Daily paragraph to page.
  • Surf - Daily surf sessions for 1-hour minimum.
  • Art - Daily artwork of at least 1 hour.
  • Blogging - 1 daily blog post on this site or for work.
  • Ice/Heat - Daily Ice Bath and/or Sauna.
  • Friendship - Daily active time with friends.
  • Water - Only water as liquid intake, 10+ glasses daily.
40 Books Challenge for 2024

40 Books Challenge for 2024

For 2024, I’m shooting for 40 books.  I’ll be moving back and forth between fun books (sci-fi, biographies, fantasy) and self-helpie (business, money, discipline, web geekery.) 

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No Sugar, Daily Exercise

No Sugar, Daily Exercise

My next challenge starts today!  No processed sugar (minimal fruit with low sugar), and daily exercise of at least 30 minutes.

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EMP Attack Prepper Guide

EMP Attack Prepper Guide

After reading just one chapter of One Second After, the 2009 novel by William Forstchen, I found myself unexpectedly propelled into adopting the mindset of a prepper.  And since the threat is finally in the news, here I’ll share what I’ve found to be crucial to survive long-term after an EMP attack on US soil.

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My Perfect Sleep Recipe

My Perfect Sleep Recipe

Though I know everyone is different, I’m going to share exactly what’s required for my getting a perfect night’s sleep. Hopefully, some of you will take away at least a tip or 2, but this is really just for me.  I’ll be refining this article on a regular basis.

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NO BOOZE & NO CAFFEINE: 21-Day Challenge

NO BOOZE & NO CAFFEINE: 21-Day Challenge

I’m taking 21 days off from drinking as well as coffee to begin developing habits of abstinence and calm, but I’m mostly doing it to record how I feel.  2023 is all about health and growth.

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NO SUGAR & BETTER SLEEP: 21-Day Challenge

NO SUGAR & BETTER SLEEP: 21-Day Challenge

I’m taking 21 days off from processed sugar (fruit ok) as well as going to bed by 9 pm (for at least 8 hours of sleep) to begin developing habits of abstinence and optimal health, but I’m mostly doing it to record how I feel.  2023 is all about health and growth.

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I’m taking 21 days off from drinking as well as daily workouts to begin developing habits of abstinence and exercise, but I’m mostly doing it to record how I feel.  2023 is all about health and growth.

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2023 needs to be a completely different year for the Norbergs.


Don’t get me wrong, 2022 was the best year of our lives in many ways:


  • Business – This has been the best year for our group of businesses.
  • Creatively – I made more videos than ever, did some artwork, and …I finished building a treehouse!
  • Family – We’re closer than we’ve ever been.
  • Travel – We did 1.5 months this summer traveling to Nicaragua, Mexico, and California.  This was also an achievement for our businesses since I didn’t work much.

But, there are a lot of things that fell away and would make our lives far better.  So, in 2023, I’ll be documenting 20-day challenges.  I’m documenting mostly just for me (I need accountability, and if it’s out there on the web, at least I’ll feel like I should give a damn.)


PAST: 2 decades on Maui, 35 years of surfing, 21 countries traveled, and just 1 treehouse built.

PRESENT: Seeking great food, would create art daily if I had endless energy/time, I run 3 businesses, and I put family at #1.  Prepping for the next personal challenge.

FUTURE: I'm most excited catching up and getting ahead with work. We just did 3.5 months of traveling, so no more major travel for a bit.