William Norberg

Will Norberg

It’s been over 12 years since we had to say goodbye to Will, and personally, I’m at a point where there are more good, positive memories and feelings than sadness over his loss.  It took a long time for the scales to tip, but now there’s an abundance of joy when thinking about my Dad.  I guess it’s the mark any great person leaves on his/her people when they leave this Earth.  An ongoing mixed bag of love, loss, and gratitude.


A tribute to the best man I’ve ever known.


Treehouse Line


The following eulogies were read at the memorial service for Will Norberg.

Will Norberg program

Will was truly a very dear and very special human being, a kind, loving, supportive, generous, selfless, spirited, considerate husband, father, brother, brother-in-law, uncle, grandfather, and friend.

He was the kind of person who would always be there for each and every one of us and a person that brought light and warmth into the lives of many, many people.

A room would just light up with his presence. He impersonated love and joy, and transmitted joy wherever he went! A close friend of his daughter’s wrote to him before his death “Ever since High School, you have always made me feel so welcome and special every time I see you with a “ Hello darling” or a “How ya doin’?”  You are always so positive and encouraging and eager to know what is going on in other people’s lives and how they are doing, you are a very selfless and compassionate man whom I’m blessed to have in my life”.

Natalie also fondly remembers the family trip to Europe where Will would go out each morning, before anyone got up,  and get fresh croissants and baguettes for the family’ it was the best way to wake up in the morning to wonderful fresh pastries, I always think how sweet Dad is to those kind of things’.

And those were only some of the small things and expressions of love that made him so special.

I think that everybody who knew Will would also agree that what we most remember him by, and what immediately comes to mind, is that wonderful laughter and wicked sense of humor, which undeniably was his trademark. Natalie remembers that “ He could light up a whole room with his wonderful full laugh, you couldn’t help but crack up with him when he was laughing.” Kristy remembers he had  “ a great witty, dry sense of humor possibly peppered with a smidge of sarcasm….”  and Michele remembers finding him in hysterical laughter in the garage one Christmas when he was opening boxes looking for Xmas lights and found a terrorized little opossum hissing at him!

Will had friends all around the world; he worked in Geneva, Sao Paulo, Hong Kong, London, Stuttgart….
And without failing had kept in touch with all of them.

Will was loved by all who met him, his integrity had no match and he was a real gentleman. He followed a straight line, and battled through adversity, whether in his personal or working life or in his illness, he never complained just battled through until he reached for and was lifted back over the rainbow to his heavenly home.

One day before leaving he took Michele’s hand and kissed it in true loving and gentlemanly style!

He is, without a doubt, one of these people that we feel lucky and happy to have known, and are truly honored to have been part of his family and circle of friends. He will be greatly missed but we know that we will meet him again and that he will make us laugh as he is probably busy doing in heaven right now, bringing fun and laughter to the angels!

Treehouse Line

Michele Norberg

Thank you for being here today to honor Will’s memory.  Some of the pictures you will see were taken in January of 2010 celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary.  One month later, Will was diagnosed with Glioblastoma Multiforme.  He fought bravely for 19 months.  He was my hero, the love of my life, and my best friend.  And I will miss him terribly.

Michele Norberg

Michele de Pourtales

Treehouse Line

Bob Norberg

Nothing I can say is big enough to describe how I feel.  My blood brother, my fraternity brother, is also my best friend.  To all of you, he was a great friend, and you meant a lot to him.  I’m the luckiest one though, to have Will as my brother for a lifetime.  I’m absolutely sure that he is well and thriving in his new place.  Thank you so much for being here.

Bob Norberg

Treehouse Line

Alex Norberg

My dad is also the best man I’ve ever known; along with my brother and husband.

As you all know, my dad was someone very special! His heart was as big as his laugh.  I couldn’t have asked for a better dad.  I always had so much fun with him and he was always there when I needed him.

I have great memories of my dad doing all the things that we both loved: swimming, traveling, taking long walks, going to the beach, watching movies and eating! Cheese fondue in Switzerland, profiteroles in Paris, and ice cream bars on Balboa Island.  We definitely enjoyed our sweets together!

I feel so lucky to have him as my dad and I love him so much.  I know his spirit is here with us today and I know he wouldn’t want everyone to be so sad.  As much as we will miss him and wish he were here, he is definitely in a better place and making all of the angels laugh.

I was so blessed to have my dad there when I entered this world and I am honored to have been with him as he left it.

Alex Norberg Clark

Treehouse Line

 Chris Norberg

I don’t think I need to explain to you who Will Norberg was.  He has touched so many lives, and given a piece of himself to everyone in this room.  I don’t need to share how strong his integrity was, how capable he was of loving his friends and family, how generous he was with his time, or how his laugh could literally shake the foundation of any room that was lucky enough to have him.

Dad was never a glass-half-full guy;  He was a glass-brimming-over guy.  His positive outlook on everything is what makes life for many of us worth living.  He looked to the bright side in excess, but not at the expense of what really matters.

On this note, I’d like to discuss the cancer that took him.  From the beginning, we’ve been wondering why such an amazing, healthy guy could be stricken with such a frightening disease.  Why Dad when there are so many schmucks in the world?  After much thought, it dawned on me that he was in a way blessed.  He was given an end with very little pain, plenty of time to process, spend time with his family and friends and leave in total peace.  As painful as his death is to us all, it isn’t tragic because he lived an incredibly full life.  Evidence can be found in the endless stories cherished by his many friends across the planet with whom he’s shared laughter, adventures, and deeply meaningful friendships.

I’m so grateful for the time I had with him, and I thank God he was able to leave the way he did.  My father spent his last moments at his home, in peace, staring into the eyes of the love of his life, Michele, and his 2 children.  I couldn’t have asked for a better way for him to make his transition.

Everyone in this room owes a debt to my father.  He loved endlessly, truly listened for as long as we spoke, and laughed harder and louder than most would think is humanly possible.  These characteristics in themselves are impressive, but what makes him extraordinary is that he is truly genuine.  Every person he met left a little warmer with a better outlook on life.  He should be honored for who he was and what he did for all of us.  The best way we can pay him back is by giving what he always tried to get from us:  A general zest for life, a little extra time with those we love, one more joke than is expected (good or bad), and an appreciation for every small moment. I owe him this.  We ALL owe him this.

Will Norberg was the best man I’ve ever known.  I’m so proud to be his son, and I won’t let him down.

Christopher Norberg

Will Norberg memorial

PAST: 2 decades on Maui, 35 years of surfing, 21 countries traveled, and just 1 treehouse built.

PRESENT: Seeking great food, would create art daily if I had endless energy/time, I run 3 businesses, and I put family at #1.  Prepping for the next personal challenge.

FUTURE: I'm most excited about catching up and getting ahead with work. We just did 3.5 months of traveling, so no more major travel for a bit.

Please comment below!


  1. Linda Reeder Herold

    Your dad and I grew up next door to each other. He was a best friend but more like a brother. We had many adventures and fun times together. I remember the day he jumped off the roof and broke his arm and was sooo jealous of his flexible flyer. In our later teen years driving in his convertible to Tucson for week ends of fun with friends at the university. Our friendship continued through as adults and I spoke to him a few days before his passing.
    This is a wonderful tribute to “Willie”. I just saw it today as for some reason I have had him on my mind. I will miss him always.

    • Treehouse Dad

      Mahalo Linda! Thank you for sharing this! He was an amazing guy. Your message is worth more than you think to us! Let’s keep the great ones in our thoughts, and appreciate that they’ve made our lives better.


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